I write about
the wonderful
messiness of life, and use my camera when words are not enough.
In 2023 I took a creative break from my urban planning work, saw my youngest child off to college, and fell in love with my 1970 911T Porsche. I hit the road that September for my first major road trip, with my teen years, college spring breaks, and kids’ summer vacations long behind me.
For 3-1/2 months behind the wheel of my beloved Blue Car, the open road and unplanned days sparked joy and wonder and much-needed reflection. Long an enthusiastic but sporadic writer and photographer, I began to write every day. I held my camera every day. And the stories and images flowed. I launched my Once in Blue Car blog to share my stories and Drivers Club Magazine debuted my Blue Car essay in February 2024.
All of it continues. You will find stories here that ponder, rail against, and celebrate the messiness of life. Stories about urban planning and of grief. Stories about driving my vintage car on winding forest roads, of making challah on Fridays, of my love of whisky and bourbon and cheese. Especially cheese. Stories about body image and showing some cleavage in LA (that one is in progress). Some of them are contradictory, unfinished, and sad. Others are questioning, joyous, and may just make you laugh.
The thing is, we all have stories…it is what binds us together in this crazy world. You don't have to love cars or even drive; I hope my words and images touch some part of your own life, to surprise, provoke, or reveal. And that you share your stories with me.